Boulevard CID Freight Cluster Plan

About the Plan
The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) has awarded the Boulevard CID $250,000 in grant funds to develop a Freight Cluster Plan (FCP). The goal of the plan is to identify the challenges and opportunities for improving freight operations and promoting economic development within the Boulevard CID area. The plan will focus on traffic engineering, safety, intersection design, cost estimation, and future needs specific to freight movement.

The final product of the plan will be a list of recommendations to address the identified challenges and opportunities. The types of recommendations may range from individual projects, such as roadway, bridge, and wayfinding improvements, to broader policy changes. The plan will include a list of short-term improvements, which are financially feasible through the next five years, and other needed projects as funds become available.

Stakeholder Engagement
The Stakeholder Engagement process for the plan will include multiple methods of engagement:

  • A Steering Committee composed of key individuals representing neighborhoods, businesses, agencies, and organizations will provide historical, technical, and policy insight to the project team and will review study findings and recommendations.
  • Stakeholder interviews will be conducted with freight transport providers and ancillary service providers to identify challenges and opportunities for improving freight movement through the CID.
  • Surveys will be conducted to gather information from the Boulevard CID community regarding fright transportation and its impact on daily life.
  • Public open-house meetings will be held for the Boulevard CID community to talk to the project team, to both receive information on the plan and to give feedback on the plan process and draft project recommendations.


Additional Project Materials and Resources (Click to access)

Freight Cluster Plan (May 2022): Includes recommendations report.
Freight Cluster Traffic Study (September 15, 2021): Includes detailed results of traffic study.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee Update (August 25, 2021): Includes a status update of the Freight Cluster Plan along with improvement strategies.
Best Practices Review (June 15, 2021): This technical memorandum reviews examples of freight planning efforts at the sub-regional level across the country.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee Update (March 31, 2021): Includes a status update on the Freight Cluster Plan along with stakeholder feedback from the meeting.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee Update (May 25, 2021): Includes a status update on the Freight Cluster Plan along with stakeholder feedback from the meeting.
Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach Plan (January 31, 2021): Includes project overview and stakeholder engagement strategies.
Freight Cluster Plan: Inventory and Assessment – Includes comprehensive plan overview.